Thursday, May 04, 2006

Immigration Reform Analogy

Yes, immigrants are people too.

Yes, illegal immigrants are people too.

Analogy alert....

I have a grand house. I work my ass off to keep it clean, maintained... even beautiful.

You live in a crappy house. You can't even keep the lawn cut.

One day you decide... hey... that guy up the street has a grand house. It looks much more comfortable. Perhaps I can go live there. So you go there and break in. You find a nice comfortable place in the basement, and get free electricity, plumbing, etc., off of my - and my ancestor's - hard work.

In the meantime, I'm not exactly stingy with the room in my house. I have certain standards that I maintain for people who want to move in. Alas, going through the process takes time, and you're impatient. So you decided to cut in line.

Doesn't seem right.

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